Media & Influence
PublicisLive Paris came up with the BOLDest of Labs to add visibility to BNP Paribas’ client-centric innovations at the Viva Technology exhibition.
In 2024, BNP Paribas wanted to say loud and clear that it is THE trusted companion for the French population and for tech firms. The partner that will always be attentive to their needs and project ideas. But how could we be sure that the Viva Technology exhibition’s attendees would hear the message... or at least see it?
big idea
A lab 100% decked out with the macro-needs of BNP Paribas’ clients
All the clients’ needs and key topics were displayed in XXL: from advisory to business support and from AI to personal data protection – each in a different format (bold, italic, regular, light, outline, etc.) – as an effective means of presenting BNP Paribas’ solutions.
A radical and impactful art direction ensuring BNP Paribas was visible at the very entrance to Viva Technology and making it an unmissable lab at the exhibition’s 2024 edition.
An idea that was both imaginative and responsible as the sought-after effect of the stand was created simply by leasing the partitions and decorating them.
Other responsible initiatives were also set up at the stand:
• Pooled deliveries
• Pooled on-site teams
• Pooled equipment use – for instance with the LVMH event’s audioguides reused to carry out simultaneous translation.
In short, the BNP Paribas Bold Booth was more than simply a lab and indeed the standard-bearer of the group’s new “bold” and responsible client-centric trajectory.